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Americans are Putting Less of Their Paychecks Towards Clothing Purchases
There is no easy way to determine when clothing was first developed, but some information has been inferred by studying lice.
The body louse specifically lives in clothing and diverged from head lice about 107,000 years ago, suggesting that clothing existed at that time. 
Another theory is that modern humans are the only survivors of several species of primates who may have worn clothes and that clothing may have been used as long ago as 650 thousand years ago.
Other louse-based estimates put the introduction of clothing at around 42,000–72,000 BP.
Americans are putting less of their paychecks towards clothing purchases.
But that doesn't mean they don't love a new outfit. Instead, many seem to care less about owning it outright, which has given rise to a new subsector of retail: clothing rental and trade.
Renting clothing isn't an entirely new concept, though it's largely been geared towards formal wear, which has brought success to online players like Rent the Runway and The Black Tux.
Now, a number of companies are finding white space for renting everyday clothing and work wear.
The home improvement chain said Tuesday that its sales at existing stores rose of the year.
At the same time, sales from major department story clothing retailers, including Kohl’s, J.C. Penney, and Macy’s have been declining, the stores reported last week.

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