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Wool Remained the most Popular Fabric for all Classes, Followed by Linen and Hemp

 Wool fabrics were available in a wide range of qualities, from rough undyed cloth to fine, dense broadcloth with a velvety nap; high-value broadcloth was a backbone of the English economy and was exported throughout Europe. 

Wool digitizing fabrics were dyed in rich colours, notably reds, greens, golds, and blues.
Silk-weaving was well established around the Mediterranean by the beginning of the 15th century, and figured silks, often silk velvets with silver-gilt wefts, are increasingly seen in Italian dress and in the dress of the wealthy throughout Europe.
Stately floral embroidery digitizing designs featuring a pomegranate or artichoke motif had reached Europe from China in the previous century and became a dominant design in the Ottoman silk-producing cities of Istanbul and Bursa, and spread to silk weavers in Florence, Genoa, Venice, Valencia and Seville in this period.
Cotton is farmed intensively and uses large amounts of fertilizer and 25% of the world's insecticides.
Native Indian varieties of cotton were rainwater fed, but modern hybrids used for the mills need irrigation, which spreads pests.
The 5% of cotton-bearing land in India uses 55% of all pesticides used in India.
If chemical means must be employed, it would be best to consult with a professional conservator to be certain that the treatment will not harm the textiles themselves.
Even if no signs of an infestation are present, textiles should still be inspected periodically to be certain that there is no outbreak that has gone unobserved.
Additionally, when dealing with a new acquisition which shows signs of insect damage, the specimen should be quarantined until it can be determined whether the insects are still present before introducing it to the rest of the collection.

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