Ancient Greek clothing consisted of lengths of wool or linen, generally rectangular and secured at the shoulders with ornamented pins called fibulaeand belted with a sash.
Typical garments were the peplos, a loose robe worn by women; the chlamys, a cloak worn by men; and the chiton, a tunic worn by both men and women.
Men’s chitons hung to the knees, whereas women’s chitons fell to their ankles.
A long cloak called a himation was worn over the peplos or chlamys.
Slasher sizing machine needed for strengthening the warp by adding starch to reduce breakage of the yarns.
The process of drawing each end of the warp separately through the dents of the reed and the eyes of the healds, in the order indicated by the draft.
Pirn winding
digitizing frame was used to transfer the weft from cheeses of yarn onto the pirns that would fit into the shuttle
Fluorescent and halogen-produced light can also produce large amounts of UV radiation, though filters which fit over the bulbs are available to limit the damaging light.
These filters will need to be replaced when the bulbs are changed, so maintenance staff should be aware of them and their use.
One advantage of fluorescent lights is that they produce little heat, which may also be harmful to textiles.
Incandescent lights produce a large amount of heat in addition to large quantities of infrared radiation, which is likewise damaging to the fibers in antique
embroidery digitizing textiles.
If incandescent lights must be used, they should be placed far enough away from display cases that their heat does not affect the contents.