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The History of Textile Arts is also the History of International Trade

 The quipu system operated as both a method of calculation and social organization, regulating regional governance and 'land use.' 

While evidence for the latter is still under the critical eye of scholars around the world, the very fact that they are kept to this day without any confirmed level of fluent literacy in the system is testament to its historical 'moral authority.' 
Today, "khipu" is regarded as a powerful symbol of heritage, only 'unfurled' and handled by 'pairs of [contemporary] dignitaries,' as the system and its 'construction embed' modern 'cultural knowledge.' 
Ceremonies in which they are 'curated, even though they can no longer be read,' is even further support for the case of societal honor and significance associated with the quipu. 
Even today, 'the knotted cords must be present and displayed when village officers leave or begin embroidery digitizing service, and draping the cords over the incoming office holders instantiates the moral and political authority of the past.' 
These examples are indicative of how the quipu system is not only fundamental mathematically or linguistically for the original Inca, but also for the cultural preservation of the original empire's descendants.
E-textiles, also known as smart garments, smart clothing,electronic textiles, smart textiles, or smart fabrics, arefabrics that enable digital components (including small computers), and electronics to be embedded in them.
Smart textiles are fabrics that have been developed with new digitizing technologies that provide added value to the wearer.
Pailes-Friedman of the Pratt Institute states that "what makes smart fabrics revolutionary is that they have the ability to do many things that traditional fabrics cannot, including communicate, transform, conduct energy and even grow".
Textile arts are arts and crafts that use plant, animal, or synthetic fibersto construct practical or decorative objects.
Textiles have been a fundamental part of human life since the beginning of civilization and the methods and materials used to make them have expanded enormously, while the functions of textiles have remained the same.
Tyrian purple dye was an important trade good in the ancient Mediterranean.
The Silk Road brought Chinese silk to India, Africa, and Europe.
Tastes for imported luxury fabrics led to sumptuary laws during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
The Industrial Revolution was a revolution of textiles technology: the cotton gin, the spinning jenny, and the power loom mechanized production and led to the Luddite rebellion.

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